Snoop Dogg’s Olympic Gold: From ‘Gin & Juice’ And Martha Stewart To Viral Sensation

Snoop Dogg’s charming authenticity shines as he takes on a new role as an Olympic commentator for NBC.

His unlikely friendship with Martha Stewart was on full display during an equestrian match where the friends celebrated Marth’s 83rd birthday and dressed in horseback riding attire.

“This is the celebration of the finest athleticism ever in the world, and he has made it so accessible to everybody,” Martha told the Associated Press, adding, “That’s his talent. Everybody loves him.”

Snoop has overcome a lot to be in the limelight, from being acquitted in his 1993 murder trial to the recent loss of his brother. It’s good to see Snoop turn his life around and prove that second chances yield golden results.

What impresses you about Snoop Dogg the most?


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